How to get rid of skin tags from upper eyelids or eye region?-Dr. Nischal K
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How to get rid of skin tags from upper eyelids or eye region?-Dr. Nischal K

Skin tags on over eyelids are no different form skin tags in other parts of the face or in other parts of the neck to in the underarms. So these are small growth of the skin. So what we do is we apply a numbing cream, leave it for an hours’ time so that the skin becomes completely numb and we remove this using a radiofrequency. This is what we call it as radiofrequency abalation. Since this is a superficial procedure, there is not harm to the eyeball or to the lens which is placed inside the eyeball. For example after post cataract operations, sometimes people have an intraocular lens. So there is no harm when we do radiofrequency ablation to any of these things. So it is a very simple office based procedure where the waiting time is more because the skin takes some time to become numb, but procedure hardy takes around 10 to 15 minutes. After we remove the lesion, there is a small tiny wound and that heals within 5 to 7 days very nicely without a mark.