How to get stitch marks removed completely near eyebrow? – Dr. Prashantha Kesari
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How to get stitch marks removed completely near eyebrow? – Dr. Prashantha Kesari

Stitch mark and scars which are seen when the facial cut is done with large sutures or done as an emergency basis by a non-plastic surgeon can be definitely improved with one procedure called scar revision where the wide scars with hash marks like railway tracks can be changed by the W plasty or Z plasty which is a surgical procedure. When it occurs in the eyebrow we normally do hair transplant to the eyebrow where the scars are there. So it grows naturally and parallel to the existing hair in the eyebrow and the same thing I follow for the scars which are there in the moustache area or the beard area or any hair bearing areas. In non-hair bearing area I treat it with scar revision. Hair transplantation is done with robotic bio FUE technique and gives fantastic results.