How to Get Your Weight Gain Hormones Under Control
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How to Get Your Weight Gain Hormones Under Control

Why can’t you lose weight? It’s hard to imagine that our weight depends not only on the number of calories we consume but also on some invisible chemicals inside us. In fact, hormones influence our metabolic processes and command our body to store fat or to stop gaining it.

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How to Get Your Weight Gain Hormones Under Control

How to control weight gain hormones?

– Insulin provides us with energy, but it also collects and stores fat. If insulin is high, your body will store fat.
– Cortisol slows down the metabolism to preserve more energy. If you have high cortisol levels in your blood, you will gain weight.

– When your leptin level is low, your appetite increases and your body tends to store excess food as fat. Very often, the level of this hormone becomes reduced because of sleep deprivation. That’s why getting enough sleep is so important.

– Thyroid hormones (T3 and T4) are produced by the thyroid gland, and their primary function is to induce lipolysis. If you have low thyroid hormones in your body, you are likely to gain weight.

– When you don’t eat regularly, your body thinks it is starving and takes energy from muscle and tissue while trying to conserve fat. As a result, you can gain weight even if you eat only once a day.

– Losing weight slowly is much better for your body and far more sustainable in the long haul. If you want to become slimmer, maintain a small calorie deficit.

– You should eat foods that are less likely to contribute to elevated levels of insulin in your body. These are products which have a low glycemic index (GI), a number that indicates the food’s effect on a person’s blood glucose level.

– Avoid fast carbohydrates and eat foods rich in proteins and fiber instead. They help you feel full quicker and thus you won’t overeat.

– If you’re a physically active person, you need to replenish your sugar supply every day. Studies have shown that high-intensity interval training is the most efficient in enhancing insulin sensitivity.

– If you prefer training with moderate reps and loads, then you’ll need to spend 1 to 1.5 hours in a gym.

– When you finish exercising, your body will continue to burn extra calories throughout the day — even when you sleep! It is also a good idea to consume a shake containing carbs and proteins during your workout.