How to stop hair fall naturally? – Dr. Saritha Nair
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How to stop hair fall naturally? – Dr. Saritha Nair

One of the main steps in preventing hair fall is to apply medicated hair oil daily. Gooseberry can be used internally and externally to prevent hair fall. Fenugreek seeds can be made a paste and apply on the scalp to prevent hair fall. Onion paste can be applied on the scalp after the medicated oil to prevent hair fall. Aloe vera powder, curd can be applied on the scalp. Ash gourd paste, guava leaf paste can be applied on the scalp used to prevent hair fall. Camphor and curd can be used to prevent. Some other ways to prevent hair fall naturally is to apply curry leaves with curd , potato and egg white and drinking 3 -4 liters of water, carrot juice, beetroot juice, coriander leaves, buttermilk and even milk is very good for preventing hair fall.