How To Trick Your Body To Be A Morning Person
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How To Trick Your Body To Be A Morning Person

Whether you want to seize more of the day, enjoy the early morning sunshine or prepare for your body for a new you, becoming a morning person can be difficult if you don’t implement the right tricks.

The main thing you have to keep in mind is that you will need to gradually adjust your body to the new time which will include re-adjusting your internal clock and changing up your psychological perspective.

Here are some easy ways to trick your body into becoming a morning person.

1. Make sure you get enough relaxation during the night. If you fall asleep and have a fitful sleep, you aren’t going to want to get up when that 6:30 am alarm clock goes blaring off.
Instead, invest in some extremely cozy pyjamas and drink and eat something that soothes you. In addition to this, get a bedtime routine going so that your body knows that when you hit the sheets, it is sleep time.

2. Although you may get creeped out at first, convince yourself to keep the blinds open during the night.
This will ensure that you get a heaping dose of sunshine in the morning when you wake up.
This makes it easier to get started with the day rather than hitting the snooze button.
The light helps your biological clock get reset and aligned to when the sun rises.

3. When you get out of bed, don’t get back in and instead do a fifteen to twenty minute workout.
It doesn’t have to be insanely intense, but it has to be enough to get your blood pumping.
You could jog on the spot, do jumping jacks or do a few laps of the stairs.

Regardless of what you do, exercise helps your body get energized and it removes unwanted toxins from the body.
Better yet, add some music to that workout to get you pumped up.

4. Consume protein in the morning. Don’t grab a sugary breakfast and certainly don’t skip out on it completely.
Instead, take the time to eat a breakfast that is filled with protein and healthy fats.
Not only will this give you the energy you need to start the day but it gives you something to look forward to once you get out of bed.

5. Use a smart alarm to prevent yourself from hitting that snooze button.
It’s very easy to wake up, feel groggy and immediately think about another five to ten minutes of sleep.
This is where you get into trouble because hitting that snooze button is oh so easy.

Instead use a smart alarm that requires you to solve a puzzle or math equation in order to turn it off.
This requires you to sit up, think, and get yourself out of your groggy state.

Finally, don’t sweat bed time. Sometimes we get all riled up about going to bed at the same time every night and this can cause stress, which is exactly what you don’t want when you are trying to relax before bed.

Try to aim to go to bed around the same time but mostly listen to your body.

Go to sleep when you feel tired and you will eventually wake up and doze off at the same time every day.

Other than this, avoid the urge to nap during the day and establish a routine that rewards you.

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