I MET A CUTE GUY ON THE DANCE FLOOR!!(Personal)… STORYTIME & Kylie Lip Kit Giveaway
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I MET A CUTE GUY ON THE DANCE FLOOR!!(Personal)… STORYTIME & Kylie Lip Kit Giveaway

Ask Kimberly subscribers – in this video I am getting personal – you guys don’t know a whole lot about my own relationships and life, and this story is a storytime about the one time I met a really cute guy on the dance floor, how it went down and what happened. I have so many relationship stories and guys let me know if you want to hear more of my more personal dating and relationship experiences. As a relationship therapist I think it’s helpful to hear not just advice, but also sometimes the things I’ve learned from my own experiences.

Giveaway details:
Kylie Cosmetics Lip Kit in Love Bite (My favourite shade)
To enter, be subscribed to Ask Kimberly on Youtube:
Follow me on Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/kimberlymoffit
Winner will be announced in the comments on October 15th. Open to international residents.
This is an amazing product for back to school, to perfect your pucker!
Good luck!

Dr Kimberly is a relationship therapist with a doctoral degree in Psychology, not a medical doctor and does not claim to give medical advice. If you need psychological or health care services, or if you’re concerned that one of these hacks won’t work for you, always consult your physician or seek medical advice.

For relationship quizzes and games, come visit me on my site:

Hello, everybody. I hope you are all having an amazing week. So, you guys, you share so much with me in the comments. Like, so much about your lives, your relationship, and your success stories. I love it so much. But the other day, it dawned on me. I think you guys have been such good subscribers that you deserve a good, juicy story from me.
So, without further ado, today’s story is about the time that I dated somebody who I met on the dance floor of a club here in Toronto. I’m not going to say which one. Some people think that as a relationship therapist, I would only ever meet people at like a soiree or a book shop, or something. But, it happened. I met somebody on a frikking dance floor.
I am currently doing a giveaway for a Kylie Cosmetics lip kit in my favorite shade of Love Bite. Which, as a relationship expert, how could I not like the most lovey-dovey romantic one? It is actually the best shade too. So, in order to enter the giveaway, all you have to do is be subscribed to Ask Kimberly on YouTube and follow me on Instagram here.
Without further ado, let’s just get right into this story, because my cheeks are already hot. Like, I am genuinely already slightly embarrassed about this. But, we’re going to get into it. Just to set the stage, my education has been really long. So, I did a 5 year undergraduate degree, a 2 year Master’s degree, and then a 7 year doctoral degree in counseling psychology. And, that’s how I became a relationship therapist. But, this took place when I was doing my Master’s.
Then, me and this guy go on several more dates. And then, we kept dating during the year while I was at Laurier. And then, we kept dating while I started my therapy business, and did my doctorate, and became a relationship therapist. At one point in there, he planned this trip for us to New York city. And while we were there, he asked me to marry him. And I said yes!
So, if you guys haven’t guessed already, the guy that I’m talking about, the guy that I met in the club, was Nathan. And now we’re married. And he is my husband. And I love him so much. And now we have this beautiful 2-year-old baby girl. And life is so good. I’m so happy.
So for me, this experience of falling in love with somebody who I really feel like we were just meant to be together, that experience has made me believe in love. And people can find it. Happy relationships exist. I told you guys, I’ve been in a toxic relationship. I was with a guy who was super controlling. I didn’t know you could have a relationship where you felt so happy. And my friends, through those years, I was getting messages on Facebook from people being like, “Kimberly, you look so happy.” And I did. I was glowing. And I still- I feel like I’m still glowing, because I’m so in love and I’m so happy. And I just love my life so much. Love just comes from the most unexpected places. And it happens when the time is right for you. And if it doesn’t work out for one relationship, there’s totally somebody better out there for you. Someone’s going to love you so much and make you feel so happy.
And so, guys, that’s my story. That’s my love story. That’s how I fell in love with my husband. And guys, give this story a big thumbsup if you liked it. And tell me if you want more videos like this in the future. Definitely come and follow me on all of my social medias. And guys, if you haven’t already, subscribe to Ask Kimberly for more weekly videos on relationships. Because, I’m always posting new stuff. And, I can’t wait to answer more of your relationship questions