If you have RSI Pain in your hand, get rid of it in 3 minutes!
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If you have RSI Pain in your hand, get rid of it in 3 minutes!

How to get rid of Repetitive strain injury (RSI) pain in the hand

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This is caused by repetitive activity at work like using the laptop for a long time daily. This will cause a strain on the muscles and joints.

This repeated trauma at the microscopic level leads to tendonitis or inflammation of the tendons, joints and muscles in the fingers, wrists and hands.

1. Burning feeling.
3. Shooting pain.
7.Loss of strength in fingers.
8.Weakness in hands and wrists.

It’s advisable to take a 15 mins break after each hour working on the computer.

This video exercise will help you to relax the muscles, tendons and joints in your fingers, wrists and hands.
This will increase blood flow to the area to ease any pain and numbness in the fingers.

The exercise is less than 5 mins long and you can do this anytime you want.
By practicing this regularly you will avoid getting repetitive strain injury.

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