INSTANT GLOW with Laser | Best Facial Glow | Procedure Explained – Dr. Rasya Dixit|
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INSTANT GLOW with Laser | Best Facial Glow | Procedure Explained – Dr. Rasya Dixit|

Dr. Rasya Dixit | Appointment booking number: 099018 90588
Consultant Dermatologist & Cosmetologist | Dr. Dixit Cosmetic Dermatology Clinic, Bengaluru
We are always in search for that beautiful skin glow and that better for an instant glow than for a laser skin tone. Let us understand what this laser skin treatment is all about. Though there are many kinds of lasers, lasers are thought to be burning for the skin. There is a certain kind of lasers that is not burning for the skin, this kind of lasers, which is a non ablative laser, means it does not damage the skin anyways , but actually brings out a glow in the skin. This laser is called as the Q switched Nd – YAG Laser. This is s epically developed for rejuvenating or brightening the skin. So how does this does its job is it reduces the melanocytes and the melanosomes in the skin by producing a thermal energy that targets only these cells in the skin. During the treatment the face is cleansed and a layer of carbon is applied on the face, this carbon helps the skin doctor to identify which of the areas of the skin have been treated and which are not and then the laser is applied on the skin. During action of laser the carbon particles gets activated and then the laser removes the carbon particles during the treatment. During the time the carbon particles are vaporized by the laser the heat that is developed by the transfer, they are transferred into the skin and the skin becomes tighter and the pores get tighter the blackhead gets removed and the skin gets the glow. This glow can last anywhere between 1 to 3 months of depends on how frequently this treatments are done. Usually these treatments are recommended once every month for a treatment interval of atleast 4 treatments. After that you can come for maintenance every 4 months. To know more speak to your dermatologist.