Is black or rock salt healthier than normal salt? – Dr. Mini Nair
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Is black or rock salt healthier than normal salt? – Dr. Mini Nair

All of us have made salt as an integral part of the diet. The salt available is in various forms like you have the white salt or the common salt or what we call as the table salt, the rock salt or the black salt and the pink variety of salt called as the saindavalavana. Basically all salt contains sodium which is quite essential in our body for performing the basic vitalities like the electrolyte balance of your system and also for nerve signaling. But there are conditions where the salt has to be restricted for in cases of hypertension. In a case of hypertension people are asked to restrict salt intake because sodium actually helps in increase in blood pressure in a person suffering from hypertension. So here any kind of sodium has to be restricted especially any kind of sodium has to be restricted, especially in the elderly, they can suffer from imbalance status or drowsiness, for fracture of bones and even attention deficits. So in such conditions sodium is advised. What is the difference between the table salt or the black salt that is available. But the salts contains sodium. Only the availability or the percentage of sodium in each is a variation. In common salt what we use every time, the sodium chloride percentage is 100 %, whereas the black salt that is available naturally there are other minerals also added to that or it is available along with other minerals like potassium and magnesium which is also quite essential for our system. The black salt is very cooling and is also used as a digestive, laxative and most of the ayurvedic medicines use the black salt, for external applications also we use salt, black salt of treatment of arthritis and also condition where there are lot of inflammations, black salt is used instead of the common salt and this black salt is also used in our Indian snacks like chats and also for external application, for weight loss also we use black salt. So the availability of black salt is also quite nutritious when compared to the table salt. But in table salt in certain conditions the availability is also with iodine as it treats certain conditions like the thyroid problems. So what I would recommend is you can make a combination of both the salts, that is a combination of 1:1 proportion of the black salt and the table salt and use it daily.