Is it okay to get periods twice in a month? – Dr. Shefali Tyagi
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Is it okay to get periods twice in a month? – Dr. Shefali Tyagi

It is not normal to have periods twice in a month, periods are supposed to come once every month from between 21 to 35 days of cycle is considered normal. So if you had period twice in a month the reason he needs to be explored in, now if you have travelled you have had change of city, change of whether, any stress factors, any other medications for any other reason which is not related to period, be it your fever, urinary track infection, for any skin allergy these can have effect of the period. Consumption of emergency contraceptive commonly called I pill also has effect on the period and if none of these factors are present, it could be a plain simple hormonal imbalance. So these are the factors which need to be ruled out if it is only one episode that you had period twice in a month you can still wait and watch, but if it becomes like every 15-20 days every 5-10 days that you are bleeding and certainly not normal. Please get in touch with the doctor where ultrasound or some blood test of hormones can be advised and that can be easily corrected.