Is it safe to use nasal drops in infants? – Dr. G R Subhash K Reddy
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Is it safe to use nasal drops in infants? – Dr. G R Subhash K Reddy

Yes, you can use nasal drops in children. Don’t get scared about it. Only thing is what concentration you are using and which type you are using. Preferably saline. Any nasivion or saline nasal drops if it comes in the concentration of normal saline 0.65% ,that should be good. How you apply into the nose is very important. Don’t go straight and just put it into the nose. It trickles down into the posterior pharynx area and your child will start coughing. Always put the drops in the side and it trickles slowly down and clears your airways. One drop and two drop is more. Don’t go on doing it and especially if the nose is blocked and you want to feed the child, then child will not take the feed because the nose is blocked. Use a nasal drops one drop on each side. Leave it for a minute or two, it gets cleared and the nasal drops slowly trickles down. The nose gets cleared, and then you start feeding. Don’t use it frequently. As much as possible give feeds and keep the room warm. If you live in a cold area, then it may help you. If you feed your baby then it regurgitates, it’s not vomiting, it comes through the nose and the nose becomes very irritating and curd formation of the milk will be there. In this case also you can use nasal drops. As much as possible, stick to saline nasal drops. That will do.