Is pregnancy possible if sex happens during periods? – Dr. Sapna Lulla
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Is pregnancy possible if sex happens during periods? – Dr. Sapna Lulla

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It is a common belief that a woman cannot become pregnant after intercourse with her partner during menstruation, however there are exceptions to his rule. This implies to this who have irregular periods or shorter cycles. So now you are asking the question how can this happen? In such cases sex during periods can lead to a chance of 1% pregnancies. So there you are wondering how can this happen? For example if your cycle is only about 21 to 24 days you could have a premature ovulation with the sperms still inside you for a good 3 to 5 days and the sperm can have its date with the egg. The chances of such a date leading onto pregnancy is only about 1%. So do you actually need an emergency contraceptive pill or a hormonal pill to prevent such 1% of pregnancies? My recommendation would be a no. The reason being emergency contraceptive pills are hormonal pills. These pills will cause an alteration in your uterine endometrium and also lead to mood swings in you. To avoid 1% of such pregnancies I would not recommend an emergency contraceptive pills after a contact during menstrual periods.