Lift Up Your Legs for 15 Minutes Every Day, and See What Will Happen to Your Body
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Lift Up Your Legs for 15 Minutes Every Day, and See What Will Happen to Your Body

How to Feel Better Lifting Your Legs. If you’re looking for an exercise that doesn’t require much time and effort but can seriously improve your mood, shake off your tiredness, and provide you with a whole bunch of other health benefits, this one is for you. It’s leg lifting, and the only thing required from you is to do it correctly.

Helping with anxiety, arthritis, headaches, migraines, urinary disorders, menstrual cramps, and menopause are among health benefits of leg lifting. So whatever your health problem is, there’s a high chance that leg lifting will be seriously useful in the fight against it. As you get more used to the exercise, you can mix it up with different variations. Try sliding your legs apart into a “V” shape to give a good stretch to your inner thighs, or push your hands against the top inner thighs to stretch the groin.

#liftlegs #bettersleep #getridofstress

How to lift your legs properly 0:36
The feeling of heaviness in your legs will disappear. 2:25
No more tiredness when wearing high heels. 3:20
Your digestion will improve. 4:22
Your nervous system won’t be stressed. 5:10
Your quality of sleep will improve. 5:58


-First of all, pick a comfortable position near a wall. Put a pillow or a soft roller under your lower back. Then lift up your legs, and stretch them along the wall. Your hands should be relaxed down by the sides of your body. Stay in this position for 15–20 minutes.
-Leg lifts can be an amazing addition to whatever your main treatment is. A study conducted by the New Jersey Medical School, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, confirmed that leg lifting contributes to an improvement in blood circulation.
-Take off your high heels, lift up your legs, and relax for 15–20 minutes in this position. Then massage your legs gently, and take a warm shower. Your legs will surely appreciate the effort.
-Lying down with your legs lifted up like this improves the work of your stomach. Leg lifts also increase the blood supply to your internal organs through the drainage of blood from the legs.
-Leg lifts will help you relax and breathe in more air, getting more oxygen for your body tissues and improving your blood circulation. As a result, all your inner organs will be supplied with important nutrients and elements. Your nervous system will be happy too.
-According to a study conducted by specialists from the Harvard Medical School in Boston, Massachusetts, people who consistently practice yoga for at least 8 weeks sleep better and longer than those who don’t.

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