Our Baby’s NAME REVEAL!!!!!!!!
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Our Baby’s NAME REVEAL!!!!!!!!

Watch Part 1 here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RW9Zj9dyNG8
Watch Part 2 here! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y7QW-GxmAvE

Guys, you’ve been guessing our baby’s name for SO LONG, and I’m so excited that in this video (our official baby name reveal!) we are FINALLY revealing our baby boy’s name and welcoming him into our Lovebug family!!!!

Follow me on Instagram here! http://www.instagram.com/kimberlymoffit

Hi, I’m Kimberly and this channel is all about relationships, dating, crushes and confidence, but I also mix in quite a bit of my personal life including pregnancy, my family, my life, and and work! I went to school for 14 years to get my doctoral degree in Psychology so I have lots of life advice for you guys!

Subscribe to Ask Kimberly if you haven’t already! http://www.youtube.com/askkimberly/

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Contest Rules for Ask Kimberly BIRTHDAY Giveaway!!!

1. Be subscribed to Ask Kimberly on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/kmatherapy/
2. Leave a comment on this video (can be a birthday message or whatever you want!)

SECOND Giveaway for Birthday Prizes (Instagram Portion)

1. Follow me on Instagram here: http://www.instagram.com/kimberlymoffit/
2. Leave a comment on Instagram either for my birthday or to ask a question!
January 20th, 2018 at 11:59pm.

In this video we talked about: baby, baby name reveal, baby name, baby boy, daily vloggers, family vloggers, surprise, lovebug, gender reveal, viral, birth, live birth, my labour story, my labor story, labor, family, vlog, #vlog, #AskKimberly, #realtalk, pregnancy, family vlog, relationships, crush, q&a, live q&a, relationship expert, cole and sav, birth, giving birth, meeting baby for the first time, newborn, #birth #baby