Pregnancy: How to conceive when prolactin levels are high? – Dr. Nupur Sood
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Pregnancy: How to conceive when prolactin levels are high? – Dr. Nupur Sood

So prolactin is another hormones which is produced from the pituitary gland and the higher level of pituitary also inhibit from the ovulation is occurring properly. So this can be checked with a simple blood investigation, just like how the thyroid levels are checked in the morning fasting sample, similarly the prolactin also can be done clinically it would be that actually be that your periods would be delayed and your periods would be delayed and the flow during the periods are reduced. Some do complain of occasional headaches when it is a very high levels of prolactin and people come saying that they are not conceiving, we do this hormone test for them. Any level more than 30 in the prolactin is requiring treatment and the dosing pattern is decided based on that. Once you conceive then this medications are stopped usually we get a very good response if this is diagnosed and treated on time.