PSYCHIATRIST : Importance of Theme of World Mental Health Day 2020-Dr. Kiran Kumar K|Doctors’ Circle
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PSYCHIATRIST : Importance of Theme of World Mental Health Day 2020-Dr. Kiran Kumar K|Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Kiran Kumar K | Appointment booking number: +91-9663516934
Consultant Psychiatrist & Director | The Nirvana Center, Marathahalli, Bangalore
Every year 10th October is celebrated as World Mental Health Day since 1992. It was an initiative by world federation of Mental Health to improve awareness of Mental wellbeing in general. This year on 10th October 20202 we are celebrating on this auspicious day and the theme is Mental Health for All, greater investment, greater access, everyone , everywhere. What does this mean? If you look at the magnitude of psychiatric disorders, according to World Health Organization, about 50 million people worldwide suffer form psychiatric disorder and that boils down to 1 in 4 of us having recognizable, treatable, psychiatric disorders. What about in India? According to National heat survey done in NIMHANS, in 2016, one in 10 of us will have a diagnosable and treatable, psychiatric disorders. This is a huge magnitude and added to it in 2019, about 8 million people committed suicide and died. These are huge numbers and that boils and to about 1 suicide in about 40 seconds and that is astonishing.