Sharp shooting pain near TMJ|Jaw Joint Pain-Causes & Diagnosis-Dr.Deepa Jayashankar| Doctors’ Circle
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Sharp shooting pain near TMJ|Jaw Joint Pain-Causes & Diagnosis-Dr.Deepa Jayashankar| Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Deepa Jayashankar | Appointment booking number: 8088058704,8088052704
Consultant Prosthodontist & Implantologist | ToothFirm-Dental Care & Implant Center, Bengaluru
Pain in the temporomandibular joint is a common problem most of the patients comes to us. There are things you have to check. What is the quality of pain, what is the frequency of pain and what is the onset of pain, means when did it start? How often it comes and what is the kind of pain you are getting because most of the times the temporomandibular joint pain is more than just a joint pain itself. There are a lot of comorbidities associated like obstructive sleep apnea and there is also certain issues like arthritis, psoriasis, temporomandibular joint disorders, hyperflexibiltiy of joint itself. So there are lot of reasons why there is pain in the . Secondly what is the onset? If it has started post dental treatment. So sometimes if you try to alter the somatognathic system and if it has not done well, like if it is a faulty restoration, faulty bridge or a badly done crown, those are things that can cause pain in the temporomandibular joint. So we have to see onset of pain. It has cormodibidity with other issues and the pain comes and goes and the patient tries to live with it, but if it is a sudden pain, like a shooting pain, then it is most of the times post dental treatment. So we have to see what caused that pain or what triggered sensation in the joint. If it is a faulty dental treatment, you can always correct it, but if it is because of a co morbidity, then we have to tackle the main problem before we come to the joint, as in like if the patient has arthritis, psoriasis or a sharp shooting pain is mostly it is because of trigeminal neuralgia and neurovascular or neuropathic pain which can be associated with many other structures of the oral cavity, the face, the head. Most of these patients have headaches along with joint pain, then we have to take proper history and have to decide why the pain is coming, what is the onset, what is the quality and treat them accordingly. Definitely there is treatment. If it is a non dental pain or a dental pain, we have to segregate that.