Should one worry about white vaginal discharge with missed periods? – Dr. Teena S Thomas
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Should one worry about white vaginal discharge with missed periods? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Regular cycle in a teenage girl with missed a missed period, there is hormonal imbalance. So the amount of progesterone which comes to withdraw and get the periods is very less. So definitely her so white watery discharge from the vagina because of ovary estrogen. So white watery discharge can happen during a missed period because of any hormonal changes. it can be due to any infection. It can be part of pregnancy. But a pregnancy test can rule them out. Can be ruled out. White watery discharge can happen unless it is not infected or not pregnant, nothing to be worried. Just follow it up. But if its regular missed cycle then we have to rule out any other causes of these irregular cycles. But if this one missed periods with white discharge. If there is no infection or pregnancy, it can be let alone, don’t do anything.