Should one worry if hole in Cesarean incision is seen after delivery? – Dr. Teena S Thomas
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Should one worry if hole in Cesarean incision is seen after delivery? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Cesarian scar is a transverse scar nowadays, we call it a Phannenstiel incision. So this is a transverse scar which heals very well in most cases. Rarely the healing takes time and there will be some gaping or discharge or some pus release or mucous discharge. So these discharge may start early in one week’s time and then we need to put them on antibiotics. As bad the infection is, that bad it has to be taken care of. Now this is a hole which has to be done after 4 weeks of C section. Now a small hole, we see after post C section, we rarely see, but we do see. This small hole can be a reaction, an allergic reaction to the suture material that is used, So probably at that time for that particular patient can cause an allergic reaction and a as all collection would have come upon the skin scar an that would have tried to peep out and that is when this hole is formed. So it can be an allergic reaction and it can also be the collection of infection and the infection is trying to peep put, a small minute 1mm hole which comes in after 4 or 5 weeks of C section on the scar is basically an allergic reaction which can happen because of the suture material. Nothing to be done and it needs to be followed up. In case we feel there is an infection. We need to out the patient on antibiotic. Diet counseling has to be done and take care of that wound with the application of ointment. So that is what is required, so with time it becomes normal. In some cases it becomes a big problem. In that case you may need to reopen and do a small bit of small stitching. But otherwise, it usually closes up and does not require any major invasive method to be done.