Signs That Your Body Is Need of Help!
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Signs That Your Body Is Need of Help!

Signs That Your Body Is Need of Help

Do you know that our bodies are incredibly intelligent? In fact, your body is way more smarter than you think it to be. One of the many ways such intelligence manifests is how the body responds to stimuli. We all have the inherent ability to feel when something is wrong regardless of the millions of processes taking place within the body at a given time.

Now the big question is “how do well do we respond to such feelings?” Well, some of us are likely to be attuned to these signals, while others may neglect them altogether. The bad news is, ignorance can lead to health issues which could have been avoided, as such, it’s critical to pay attention to these bodily signals.

In this video, we’re going to explore several different signs that indicate that your body is crying for help. Sounds good? Let’s get to it!

1. Brittle Nails and Hair
Got fragile nails and hair? If yes, your body is telling you that it lacks Vitamin B and Calcium. Low levels of these nutrients can cause these areas to dry and crack. Just be sure to drink more milk and eat more legumes, whole grains, mushrooms and nori seaweeds.

2. Dry Skin
Everyone hates dry skin — it’s uncomfortable and annoying. This situation is usually as a result of a lack of Vitamin E in our daily meals. It’s recommended to eat more nuts, fish, vegetables, and healthy oils — these foods will help alleviate some these symptoms.

3. Leg Cramps and Insomnia
These symptoms are troublesome and they indicate that your body is desperately in need of magnesium and potassium. Foods such as almonds, nuts, leafy vegetables, bananas, apricots, oranges can eliminate these symptoms, both physical and psychological.

4. Craving Sugary Foods
Do you always have the desire to eat something sweet? More like the impulse to eat more sugar? If yes, depression and stress are the culprits. Your body is just asking for glucose — it’s great to oblige it and have some honey or dark chocolate.

5. Sudden or Constant Bleeding Gums
Bleeding gums often comes as a result of a lack of Vitamin C — it typically happens when you brush your teeth. Be sure to include the following in your meals to control the situation: spinach, tomatoes, citrus fruits, cauliflower, broccoli and cabbage.

6. Craving Ice
Are you always itching to eat ice? If so, you may be suffering from iron deficiency. Want to add more iron into your diet? Just eat more eggs, beef and mollusks — these should work great.

7. Rings Around the Irises
It’s perfectly normal for these rings to appear in people who are over 50 years old, but it’s actually a health concern for those who are younger. This condition is often as a result of high cholesterol levels and it’s recommended to consult a doctor about it.

These are seven telltale signs that your body needs your attention and we recommend you provide it with what it needs. It’s important to note that there are still many other signals to look for, but these should do for now. Are you seeing or experiencing any of these signs? If so, let us know in the comments.

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