Small raised bumps on elbow – Causes & Treatment – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore
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Small raised bumps on elbow – Causes & Treatment – Dr. Rajdeep Mysore

Dr. Rajdeep Mysore | Appointment booking number: 9110865951
Consultant Dermatologist & Dermatosurgeon | Charma Chirag Hospital, Bangalore
There are few conditions which cause bumps on the elbow. The most common is in children. We call this as lichen nitidus. These are small whitish bumps that can occur on the elbows. It can also occur on the genital areas. It can occur on the stomach, back, forearms and legs. This is a harmless condition that subsides in about 6 months. If it is increasing or not subsiding in a period of 6 months, we give anti-inflammatory creams, for a period of 10 to 15 days, which drastically reduces this condition. In adults there could be conditions like psoriasis which starts off as small bumps. Later they lead to large patches on the elbows. Another condition that can be seen either in children or adults are vitamin A deficiency, known as Phrynoderma. Phrynoderma can also lead to bumps on the elbow but these are not very tiny bumps. They are much large coarse bumps and Phrynoderma literally means frog’s skin. So the skin starts to resemble that of frog. In these cases treatment with Vitamin A will reverse the symptoms. Treatment of about 6 to 8 weeks would help to improve the conditions. However these are not very commonly seen this is seen in areas where children or adults don’t have access to proper food and not commonly seen in clinical practice in larger cities.