Sneezing in the morning|Cause&Home Remedy|Homeopathic Treatment-Dr.Karagada Sandeep|Doctors’ Circle
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Sneezing in the morning|Cause&Home Remedy|Homeopathic Treatment-Dr.Karagada Sandeep|Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Karagada Sandeep | Appointment booking number : 098458 02103
Consultant Homeopathic Physician| Centre of Homeopathy Clinic, Bengaluru
Sneezing a lot in the morning hours once you wake up is most likely due to allergies it can be seasonal or it can be throughout the year . It can be because of dust, dander or because of pollen sin the air, it can be environmental. There are certain other conditions that can cause it. Something like the deviated nasal septum, which most of us have and when you have an increased sensitivity to cold, because when the temperature dips in the early morning hours , it can give rise to allergic complainants. Home remedies you can do is to stay warm. Drinking warm water with ginger also helps, vitamin C rich foods give a great way in fighting allergies. However these are short term measures some people who stay in Bangalore, we have Bangalore allergy because Bangalore has a high concentration of pollen in the air. It is not uncommon that doctors advise to a different city or a different home to prevent allergies. The approach to treat is to take antihistamines that work in the short term. But when the allergy comes throughout the year it is not a good idea to pop the pill every time the allergy comes in. Homeopathic management would be to boost the immunity so that when you are off the medicines also your immunity is better. Homeopathy in allergies can help you avoid taking medications in the long term but instead give you health for the long term.