The 4 Major Differences Between Introverts vs. Extroverts
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The 4 Major Differences Between Introverts vs. Extroverts

In today’s society, there are two sets of people that dominate the scene — it’s either you’re hanging out with an extrovert or keeping up with an introvert.

As you probably guessed, extroverts are known to be outgoing, loud and social while introverts are considered the opposite — quiet and shy.

It’s however important to note that introverts also have quite a lot of things to offer — they’re actually charismatic in their own ways!
Here’s the thing;

Essentially, both extroverts and introverts have the tendency to succeed in life, and of course, their presence is essential to balance out the world.

1. How do they process their thoughts?
First off, introverts usually have a thought process — they usually think carefully before taking any action.
On the flip side, extroverts get a sense of satisfaction when they express their ideas aloud.
For the most part, introverts question their life purpose, engage in deep internal conversations and of course, reflect on every event happening around them.
The bottom line; they never fail to connect with their inner voice.
As mentioned earlier, extroverts are always quick to reveal their ideas and of course, they have the confidence to speak and capture the attention of many in no time.

2. Where do they get their energy?
Introverts love the idea of staying alone every now and then — it’s a great way to clear their mind and generate energy to achieve their goals.
Essentially, alone time allows introverts recharge from the inside, reset their focus and of course, get their signal that they’re in full control of themselves.
That said, they’ll rather embrace solitude than spend time with other people — it’s just their way of keeping unnecessary distractions at bay.
On the flip side, extroverts felt great when surrounded by people — this is how they get their own energy.
So, I’m pretty sure you know exactly why your extrovert friend loves to party all night long!

3. How do they process information?
There’s also a big difference in how they (introverts and extroverts) process information.
For starters, introverts are typically interested in learning about every single detail about an event or situation.
In essence, they’re sharp listeners who also happen to be observant and intellectually curious.
What’s more, introverts derive pleasure from reflecting and like to examine things thoroughly — every information counts.
Extroverts, on the other hand, are usually satisfied with whatever information they receive.
They’re barely interested in getting all the details — just the breadth of the situation (task or event) is enough to make a decision.

4. How do they connect with people?
This is perhaps the most important of the differences between introverts and extroverts.
Right off the bat, introverts are likely to avoid larger crowds where so many extroverts hang out, but they usually have a way of connecting with people they like.
And when that one-on-one connection is established, they’ll do their best to nurture the relationship so it can stay active for a long period of time.

On the other hand, extroverts love hanging out in crowded places, especially where they can hook up with like-minded individuals.
They’re usually passionate about experiencing new things and also happen to be super comfortable with small talk.
All in all, a big slice of their life is centered on socialization, and they never find it hard to meet new people.

And that’s it! Overall, introverts are more comfortable with the idea of connecting with themselves first before reaching out to others.
While extroverts are always eager to connect with other people right off the bat.

It’s more like a mix of deep thinkers and action-oriented individuals!