The 5 Most Important Exercises For A Home Workout
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The 5 Most Important Exercises For A Home Workout

Don’t have time (and maybe money) to hit the gym?
Want to do a home workout instead but aren’t sure what exercises to perform?
You’ve come to the right video.
Exercising at home is a great alternative for many people these days considering the situation.
Thankfully, lots of exercises can be easily done at home as you can use your body weight or simple pieces of kit like kettlebells or dumbbells.
Fitness is free.
Today, let’s go over the 5 top exercises that must be included in any at-home workout.
Just starting out? Don’t worry, you’d do just fine.
You’re most likely familiar with most if not all of them such as plank and push-ups.
We will be discussing how these exercises will benefit you so stick with us!

1. Bodyweight squats
Regardless of age, gender, or fitness goals, bodyweight squats are that one exercise that must be part of your workout routine.
This exercise will improve your walking form as well as tone the muscles of your lower body and abs.
You won’t need workout equipment whatsoever.
Other benefits include toning your butt, enhancing circulating, improving flexibility, boosting weight loss, strengthening your lower back, and toning your overall body.
So, whether you want to shed fats, walk faster, or maintain mobility, this one’s for you.

2. Push ups
Push-ups are the classic exercise that will forever stay legendary.
It targets multiple muscle groups, thus, providing many health benefits with few serious risks.
Doing push-ups will improve your health by developing muscles, improving your metabolism to burn fats faster, and promoting cardiovascular health.
With no equipment, you can get a full-body workout through push-ups.

3. Walking lunges
Walking lunges are terrific at strengthening your lower muscles.
They also help stretch out your hamstring and glutes.
Toning your inner and outer thigh muscles are important.
That’s because it will promote hip stability, improve athletic performance, and add to the overall thigh mass.
This exercise also improves your balance and strengthens your core muscles.
Plus, walking lunges give your spine the chance to rest and recover, something you cannot achieve with most forms of exercise.

4. Jumping jacks
Jumping jacks is another total body exercise that you can easily do at home.
These can be learned easily and quickly.
In fact, you may find it fun doing them.
Jumping jacks are great at accelerating your heart rate while also getting your body to move out of its normal plane of motion instead of just running on a treadmill.

5. Plank
Planking one of the most effective exercises out there.
Beyond strengthening your core, it provides many other benefits.
For starters, it develops your shoulder muscles while also developing your butt muscles all at once.
Also, it reduces the risk of back and spine injury and strengthens your back muscles.
Consequently, doing planks regularly can significantly reduce back pains.
And it’s great at burning calories despite being a ‘sedentary’ exercise.
In fact, it burns more calories than other abdominal exercises like sit-ups or crunches.

Do you have your own at-home workout routine?
Care to share them? Tell us about it below.