The 5 reasons why you’re gaining unhealthy weight
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The 5 reasons why you’re gaining unhealthy weight

Weight gain can be a huge pain in the neck, even more so when you don’t know what’s causing it.

Although diet is the major contributing factor in unhealthy weight gain, other elements including poor sleep quality and stress can contribute as well, which we will be tackling further in a while.

Exercise and dieting are the best methods to lose weight.

However, you must first determine the exact cause behind the sudden weight gain.

Not only does unintentional weight gain affects your self-esteem, but it can also lead to negative health consequences.

Without further ado, here are the five reasons behind your unhealthy weight gain. Stay tuned, alright?

1. Your body isn’t getting enough whole foods
If you’re into processed foods, switching to a diet that’s loaded with whole foods is a simple yet effective way of promoting weight loss.

What’s more, doing so can improve many other aspects of your health.

When losing weight, it’s of paramount importance to choose whole, minimally-processed foods instead.

Boost up your vegetable intake, avoid added sugars, refined carbs, and trans fats, and eat mostly whole, nutrient-dense foods.

2. You don’t get enough sleep
Among the negative effects of poor sleep quality is weight gain.

Needless to say, sleep is essential for your overall health and well-being.

As such, failure to get enough sleep every day can mess up with your body functions.

When you’re sleep-deprived, there will be an increase in the production of hunger hormones in your body.

Consequently, this can lead to the consumption of unnecessary calories.

3. You’re under a lot of stress
Chronic stress is another common reason for an unhealthy weight gain.

That’s because high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can boost hunger and your desire for calorie-dense foods, which are notorious at weight gain.

On the flip side, stress management helps promote weight loss.

To combat stress, try adding relaxation practices into your routine such as yoga, meditation, and being around nature.

4. You have an untreated medical issue
Most lifestyle factors contribute to unhealthy weight gain.

But what some people don’t know is that certain medical conditions can also play a role.

Hypothyroidism, for starters, is a common health issue that affects the thyroid gland, causing weight gain or difficulty with weight loss.

Another medical condition is PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome that happens to women of reproductive age and is marked by hormonal imbalances.

Like hypothyroidism, PCOS can result in you gaining weight and make it hard to lose pounds.

Other conditions include depression and binge eating disorder.

5. You have an inactive lifestyle
A sedentary lifestyle where you’re doing little to no physical activity is also a top contributor to weight gain, not to mention chronic diseases.

Everyday things like watching TV, driving, working on a desk job, using a laptop are examples of sedentary activities.

Try to incorporate a few simple lifestyle modifications like exercising and sitting less often.

They may seem too ordinary, but doing anything except being inactive can make a huge difference.

Are you guilty of some of the things we’ve mentioned?

Well, don’t fret because it’s not too late to start taking action today.

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