These 5 Methods Will Help You Sleep Like a Baby
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These 5 Methods Will Help You Sleep Like a Baby

When it comes to getting a good nights sleep, we all want to sleep like a baby and wake up feeling completely refreshed and ready to start the day.
Unfortunately, for most of us, this is a rarity because we either toss and turn, have insomnia, or have an overactive brain that just doesn’t want to switch off.
With this said, there are a couple of things that you can do to help you sleep like a baby, but it may require you to do a few things that you haven’t done before.
Check out the following five methods and see if you sleep better afterwards!

1. Try Earthing Yourself: this is an extremely easy way to make yourself feel connected to the earth and all you have to do is take your bare feet and touch them to the ground, whether that be in sand, on soil, or in the grass.
By doing this, you allow free-electrons to pass from you into the earth which will ground you.
This will help you sleep better, it will improve your mood, and it will give you more energy.
2. Turn off Electronics One Hour Before Bed: unfortunately, the bright lights from our electronic devices mess up the body’s production of melatonin process, which is the hormone that regulates our sleep.
By turning off the electronics an hour or two before bed, you help your body slow down and produce more melatonin, making it easier for you to fall and stay asleep.
3. Stretch Out Before Bed: the physical and mental stresses of the day build up in our bodies as tension.
When you stretch out, you help your body release some of this tension which can help you feel less irritable and help you sleep better.
It is always a good idea to stretch out 5-10 minutes before bed.
4. Adapt Your Sleep Schedule to the Seasons: your body has a natural internal clock as well as a seasonal rhythm, get in tune with this seasonal rhythm so that you know how much sleep your body needs during the seasons.
Generally speaking, most individuals will need to go to bed earlier in the winter months and sleep longer and sleep less in the summer months.
5. Go to Bed Early and Get That Exercise In: when your sleep schedule is not regular, your body will become stressed because it cannot repair itself properly.
According to Chinese medicine, your gallbladder works the hardest between the hours of 11pm and 1am whereas, your liver works the hardest between 1-3am.
So to make the most out of your body’s healing processes, get to bed before 11pm.
Combine this earlier bed time with a lot of exercise throughout the day.
If you physically exhaust yourself, you’re going to want to sleep.
Beyond this, make sure that you have a cool enough bedroom, have a dark room, and have blocked out all external noise.
By doing all of the above, or combining a few methods that work, you should be able to sleep like a baby in no time.

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