This Nightly Routine Will Maximize Your Gains FAST
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This Nightly Routine Will Maximize Your Gains FAST

According to a sleep scientist, several methods can be used to enhance the quality of sleep.

This same advice was followed by participants who had an increase of 30% in their muscle while also losing fat.

These sleep-optimization methods are called ‘sleep hygiene.’

The concept here is that the more things we do, the higher the chances of getting good sleep.

Of course, you don’t have to do everything in this night routine.

But if you can, then why not, huh?

The methods are pretty normal like dimming the lights at night or going to bed early, which we will be discussing more in the next few seconds so stay tuned.

1. No alcohol right before bed
Avoid drinking alcohol within 4 hours before you sleep.

Sure, a drink or two per day may be fine, but keep it away from your bedtime as it will interfere with the quality of your sleep.

2. Keep your caffeine to the morning
Like booze, don’t consume caffeine before bed and at least within 9 hours before you sleep.

Of course, it isn’t unhealthy to have your daily dose of coffee or tea, so long as it isn’t disrupting your sleep.

3. Taper down your fluid intake
Athletes must stay hydrated.

However, it’s important to note that if you have to use the toilet more than twice per night, then hydration is actually interfering with your recovery.

Consider cutting back your fluid intake as the evening progresses.

You can have your fill of water earlier in the day when you’re much active.

4. Sleep early
Go to bed early so you can get up to 8 hours of sleep the following day.

Don’t forget to set your alarm clock.

But it’s even better if you wake up before your alarm goes off.

5. Quiet your mind
Try meditating half-hour before bed.

If not, then you can read a novel or listen to a relaxing podcast.

Do anything that will quiet your mind.

Just don’t do anything that you find too enjoyable or else you won’t want to sleep.

6. Dim the lights
A couple of hours before going to bed, dim your lights in your room.

Ideally, use warm amber-colored tones.

Also, limit screen time or better yet none at all.

7. Keep your room dark and cool
Right before you go to bed, darken your room, or wear a sleep mask.

It’s important to sleep in darkness to ensure your sleep won’t be interrupted.

Additionally, keep the temperature cool.

The body is easier to fall asleep at a cool temperature.

8. Add white noise
White noise can be the sound of a fan or an air conditioner.

Such a background noise can help your drift off.

You can also use a white noise app on your phone.

9. Sleep is a top priority when building muscles.
It’s also the time when your body has its largest surge of growth hormone.

Neglecting this recovery aspect will only kill your gains.

Follow the nightly routine to maximize your muscle gains, instead.

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