This simple workout burns lower belly fat
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This simple workout burns lower belly fat

Lower belly fat is a common problem for people who wish to tighten their core and flatten their stomachs.

While there’s no such thing as spot targeting for fat loss since you can’t control which fat cells are shrunk when losing weight, you can, however, target certain muscles with certain exercises.

Exercises that target your hip flexors, lower abdomen, and legs are the best way to burn your lower belly fat and unveil your six-pack.

Mountain climber, for instance, is a great example of such exercise, something that we will be covering more next, so stay put.

Get started with this workout that can get rid of your lower belly fat.

1. Double leg lifts
This exercise works both the upper and lower ab muscles, as well as your hip flexors.

It’s a Pilates mat exercise that’s highly effective as an ab exercise.

Double leg lifts are also great for building your core strength.

It’s perfect for beginners.

Since your abs are pulled in and worked hard, this exercise helps you practice deep breathing into your sides and back.

2. Ab crunches
Crunches flex your rectus abdominis, thus, strengthening it.

It’s even better than sit-up because it entails going higher.

Crunches improve the endurance of your abdomen muscles.

However, it’s crucial to do it in proper form.

And while doing crunches, move through each repetition slowly.

Also, when performing this exercise, you’re drawing your ribs and pelvis together.

3. Reverse crunch
This intermediate-level exercise is popular for its ability to work the full length of your six-pack muscle.

As a result, it’s easy to incorporate reverse crunches to any core or abdominal workout.

Aside from your major abdominal muscles, this exercise also activates the external obliques.
Reverse crunches are good for building an attractive stomach musculature and strong abs.

4. Vertical leg crunches
Also known as crunch up, vertical leg crunch is a great core exercise.

In this form, your legs are positioned perpendicular to the floor.

This will increase the intensity of the exercise, so you can achieve a flatter and more attractive abs.

Doing this exercise helps build your core muscles, which then boosts your metabolism, a key factor in burning fat even when you aren’t exercising.

Also, vertical leg crunches improve posture and balance by recruiting the muscles in your spine

5. Flutter kicks
Typically used in Pilates, flutter kicks are low-impact moves that specifically work your lower abdominal wall.

This exercise also helps strengthen your core.

But beyond being an ab exercise, flutter kicks work your quads, glutes, and hip flexors.

Doing them while you’re on your stomach can help strengthen your back muscles.

6. Hip lifts
Hip lifts are great at strengthening your major abdominal muscles and deep abs.

It’s also less straining than other ab exercises like crunches.

The main muscle target of hip lifts is your six-pack muscle.

It also recruits the obliques, muscles that run down the side of your torso.

Moreover, it engages your transverse abdominis, stabilizing your core and spine.

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