Tips for glowing skin in teenager boys – Dr. Rasya Dixit
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Tips for glowing skin in teenager boys – Dr. Rasya Dixit

In teenage the body is changing, there are lot of hormones causing acne breakouts, oily skin, blackheads, whiteheads, in the skin of the teenagers. Skin care that starts at teenage should be continuous till adulthood to avoid further complications. Use a good salicylic acid facewash which will remove excess oil from the skin. Use it regularly twice a day. After facewash, gently dab the skin dry and apply a broad spectrum sunscreen. Do not use scrubs or toners, because your skins will not be ready to use those on your skin. Use retinol based creams for 2 or 3 times a week, a thin layer on your face which will prevent too many blackheads. Hydrate your skin with hyaluronic acid based moisturizer, which is water based moisturizer to prevent blackheads and used on all nights except when you are using retinol based creams. Also avoid junk food, pollution, habits which form at this age like smoking should be avoided to get a glowing skin.