Treatments for Pus filled white bumps on penis – Dr. Nischal K
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Treatments for Pus filled white bumps on penis – Dr. Nischal K

Bumps on the penis which look like Pus filled for a long time may not be actually pus. Any pus which is there in the body definitely gives you the pain, redness and swelling. So if something looks like a pus and is for longer duration definitely don’t get scared about pus, it’s not pus actually. Commonly what can liveries to that appearance is one hypertrophy seditious gland, it’s enlarge oil secreting gland which is there all over the body. During normal activity, during clang of puberty these glands tend to become larger in size and since the secret all which is creamish in color, so they look yellowish cream colour. Second common thing is molluscum contagiosum, that’s a small asymptomatic viral infection which can happen to anyone. This infection needs to be treated where has the hypertrophic seditious glands can be left as it is or if you feel that it is not looking good or if it is bothering you will have to destroy that hypertrophied gland. Often we don’t suggest anything for those things because you know that it’s nothing but normal secreting oil glands which looks slightly prominent and it is very common and it’s present in everyone, where has if it is molluscum, if it is increasing in the size, if you are starting getting crops of these things either in a pattern or straight line thing then we need to treat them.