Urine leakage in women – Main Causes | Overactive Bladder – Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Doctors’ Circle
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Urine leakage in women – Main Causes | Overactive Bladder – Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Girish Nelivigi | Appointment booking no :70222 09038 / 08048668768
Consultant Urologist and Andrologist|Nelivigi Multispeciality Hospital, Bengaluru
There are many causes for leakage of urine in women. But I will be talking about a condition called as overactive bladder( OAB). This is a condition where the bladder contracts despite having very little urine in the bladder. Normally when your bladder is full till a reasonable extent, the bladder contracts and we feel the urge to pass urine. However in women with overactive bladder, even when the bladder is full to a small extent, with 50 cc or 100 cc of urine, the lady feels like passing urine and she feels like rushing to the toilet and if there is a delay in visiting the toilet, there is a leakage of urine. The second common cause for leakage of urine in women is stress urinary incontinence. This is a condition where the controlling mechanism of the urethra is damaged because of repeated childbirths and weakness of the valvular mechanism, the women cannot control urine. So whenever she coughs, sneezes or gets up form a lying down position or a sitting up position, there is leakage of urine, undergarments these are the common cause for leakage of urine in women.