Usage of Contraceptive pills for delaying menstrual cycles – Dr. Beena Jeysingh
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Usage of Contraceptive pills for delaying menstrual cycles – Dr. Beena Jeysingh

You are going out on a holiday or there is a professional meet and you don’t want to have your periods because it causes discomfort or painful or sometimes your gynecologist would prefer you to have a delay or lighter period as a part of medical treatment such as endometriosis or severe premenstrual symptoms. So can birth control harmonated pills can be used to control periods? yes, they can be used. Traditionally if you notice the hormonal pills used as birth control pills are designed to mimic the normal menstrual cycle. Each pack contains 21 active hormonal pills with or without 7 pills called inactive or non hormonal pills. So if you have to use them to delay your periods then 21 active pills are used if there are 7 pills are not used but instead is continued with a new pack containing 21 active pills. Now is it safe to use these pills? For this you can ask your doctor is she advises its safe you can use them. But remember it is not preferred you use it as routine for your persona convenience.