Ways to Transform Smile before Beauty Pageant | Procedures done-Dr.Deepa Jayashankar|Doctors’ Circle
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Ways to Transform Smile before Beauty Pageant | Procedures done-Dr.Deepa Jayashankar|Doctors’ Circle

Dr. Deepa Jayashankar | Appointment booking number: 8088058704,8088052704
Consultant Prosthodontist & Implantologist | ToothFirm-Dental Care & Implant Center, Bengaluru
When you want to change your smile in high esthetic demands is we categorize it as what the patient does not like in their smile, whether it is their gummy smile or if their gums are pigmented. So we have certain principles for our smile design procedures . You can do lasers to reshape your gums, we can do depigmentation if it is dark colored gum. We take out the melanin pigmentation on the gums and try to give them fairly pink gums that is related to the gingiva. If they are not happy with their smile, if it is the colour, we try to bleach the tooth and make it look more better or if they are not happy with the diastema or the spaces between teeth or some amount of minor positioning of the teeth, we can try to correct them with veneer wherein we give them all 6 teeth in the front can be changed in a one step procedure. It is a one step clinical procedure, where we do composite veneers, which is indirectly made, we use certain measurements of the patient and can do it or if the patient requires tooth repositioning, we do invisible retainers for the patient, so that particular malocclusion can be corrected within a very less period of time. So these are situation that can be corrected, depending on the demand of the situation.