What are Kidney Cyst & its causes? – Dr. Vidyashankar Panchangam
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What are Kidney Cyst & its causes? – Dr. Vidyashankar Panchangam

A fluid filled bubble in the kidney is called kidney cyst. It can be of two types. It can be simple cyst or a complex cyst. A cyst can be a degenerative cyst, which can happen over a period of age or acquired through genetics called as Polycystic Kidney. So cyst can have some complication like cyst can get ruptured or some bleeding can happen in the urinary tract, patient might experience a blood in the urine. Very rarely the cyst can become cancerous. It is not common, but there is little possibilities. So of the person has genetic cystic disorder, the cyst can enlarge and compress the normal tissues and if they are not careful and they don’t get their health checked, then they can end up in dialysis. So the simple cyst they are safe and they can be very silent. They usually doesn’t cause any complication.