What are the options to terminate a 4 week pregnancy? – Dr. Premlata Subhash
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What are the options to terminate a 4 week pregnancy? – Dr. Premlata Subhash

Options to terminate a pregnancy at 4 weeks of pregnancy are absolutely nil. I would discourage you to abort a pregnancy at 4 week seven if you confirm the pregnancy after a urine pregnancy test, please confirm it with a gynecologist by doing an ultrasound that it is a uterine pregnancy. Pregnancy has to be in the uterus before we suggest any method of termination because there is a condition called as ectopic pregnancy where pregnancy happens in the fallopian tube. In that case if you take tablets without knowing, it could be a life danger situation. Pregnancy can be aborted by abortive pills by 5 – 6 week. So you can confirm the pregnancy by weeks by an ultrasound and according to the suggestion of a gynecologist, you can have abortive pills or there are other methods of surgical evacuation, you can think of it and go for it according to you convenience. However I will discourage abortion to anybody because a life is a life at 4 weeks also. So if you want to avoid pregnancy please avoid it.