What can cause itchy testicles with penile acne? – Dr. Nischal K
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What can cause itchy testicles with penile acne? – Dr. Nischal K

Itchy testicles is seen across all age groups. It is not only cosmetic or distressing thing, this can be due to internal problems. It can be due to dandruff, it can be ringworm infection, irritant due to detergent, sweating can be more and cause itchy rash. Most common can be psychosomatic.Getting rid of stress, emotion and may need counselling. Can be malignancy, squamous cell carcinoma, can cause discomfort. Usually this can cause pain, yellow urine can be due to dehydration or due to fungal infection. Yellow turbid urine needs dermatologist or urologist, whenever infection is more people develop low back pain. There can be pain while passing urine, TB bladder and frequency of urination. There can be lot of water, whenever there is yellow turbid urine, one should consult doctor.