What causes blood clot after implantation bleeding? – Dr. Teena S Thomas
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What causes blood clot after implantation bleeding? – Dr. Teena S Thomas

Implantation bleed is when it happens in 1/3rd of the normal pregnancy, when pregnancy is getting implanted into the uterus. Now, actually, the conception and fertilization happens in the tube, fallopian tube of the mother. From the fallopian tube, the fertilized ovum travels into the uterus, and comes and settles in the final part of the uterus and penetrates into the uterine wall to settle itself there. This penetration when it happens then the tissues around the fertilized ovum start developing tissues and these are called trophoblasts. Trophoblasts start developing around the fertilized ovum, and these are while penetrating into the maternal womb, what happens there is some injury to the small blood vessels inside the maternal uterus. This small bleed is called as the implantation bleed which may be so small, at times, may not come out at all, or may trickle out as brown discharge or 1 or 2 spots. At some point of time, for some people, it may be little heavier while the patient may mistake it for a period also. This is an implantation bleed, nothing to be done for an implantation bleed, that’s part of 1/3rd pregnancies to happen like that. Just follow her, counsel them, do an early pregnancy scan to rule out any other problems.