What causes blood in mucous during morning? – Dr. Satish Babu K
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What causes blood in mucous during morning? – Dr. Satish Babu K

If you start seeing blood in the mucus there is not much a thing to be panicked. A lot of times we induce this blood by our own actions. Either by clearing the throat forcefully, clearing mucus all the time and spitting it out or using instruments like tongue cleaner or brush to scrape the tongue and injuring the tissues. If you go on clearing the throat and spitting it out, looking at the mucus whether it is blood stained or not, there is no stopping of the blood. Basically after getting injured the blood stops forming clots and if you remove those clots it will again start bleeding and you will continue to see blood in the mucus. Mucus whatever colour, thickness is not abnormal and it is as important as saliva in your mouth. Even if there is lot of mucus in the throat it is not going to hurt you anyways. So leave the mucus alone, let the clot be around so that the blood will stop and the healing will happen. Stop forcefully clearing and spitting out the mucus, stop using tongue cleaners or brush over the tongue. These are not really required. Body has its own mechanisms to take care of whatever deposits are happening around the tongue. Even in spite of all this if you still feel that the mucus is still there and containing blood then consult a specialist, an ENT doctor or pulmonologist and clear the doubt. Let them examine, see if something is abnormal, may be get the mucus testing also and we will come to a conclusion.