What causes buried penis & how is it surgically treated? – Dr. Srikanth V
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What causes buried penis & how is it surgically treated? – Dr. Srikanth V

A buried penis is basically a penis which is lost inside the pubic region. The penis is there but it is small, but it is underdeveloped. It is common in cases where there is intersex, that is the genetic makeup of the person is not equal to the external appearance. So in an intersex patient, the penis can get buried. The other causes of buried penis is obesity where the person is morbidly obese. There are so much of fold that are president so that the penis gets buried inside. The third cause could be the patient has got some sort of feminizing syndrome, because of a tumor that produces estrogen which done not allow the penis to develop well and that does not allow the penis to develop well and gives the appearance of buried penis. Coning to the surgical management, yes it is possible to lengthen the penis. One of the common things to be done is to do a liposuction round the penis, to reduce the fat, the penis will come out. The second thing is we lengthen the penis. We release certain restraining ligaments of the penis known as the pubalprostatic ligaments which you can get released and that can get released. However these are all surgical interventions and they are containing a little bit of complication and morbidity. There are many other treatments for the buried penis to treat the cause so that the penis can come out.