What causes nose to get swollen? – Dr. Sreenivasa Murthy T M
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What causes nose to get swollen? – Dr. Sreenivasa Murthy T M

Swelling of the nose means some process is going on from the skin to underneath. Now painful swelling is a secondary to a trauma or there is an infection happening sometime somewhere around the tip of the nose in the skin or subcutaneous tissue was just below the skin layer in the nose, so this should not be neglected, the tip of the nose is an area which is part of what we call as a dangerous area of the face. It is called so because this area is directly in communication with Venus channels in the brain and these Venus channel don’t have valves. Valves are checking mechanism inside the Venus channel and so the common thing that we do when we see a pimple we try to pinch it or burst. So a pimple on chips of your nose, boiler the tip of your nose should never be pinched because you are just going to push the infection of nose in to brain. Now any other cause which causes swelling of the nose means something in growing inside your nasal cavity expanding the nose. So, that means there is some growth either inside the nose or in the sinuses which is making the shape of the nose change by putting pressure from within, so any change in shape of the nose, any swelling in the nose should not be neglected and you should be meeting you are ENT at earliest. I don’t think there is any time for home remedies for swelling of the nose.