What causes white discharge with no pain in 37 weeks of gestation? – Dr. Uzma Zeenath Taher
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What causes white discharge with no pain in 37 weeks of gestation? – Dr. Uzma Zeenath Taher

White discharge can happen in pregnancy. It is normal. Normally it is clear white discharge and running White discharge which is no smelling. It is due to less blood supply at the mouth of the uterus, that is the cervix because of pregnancy and also we do changing coronal levels in the body and there could be abnormal white discharge such as yellowish and greenish in color and could be itching and could be associated with stinging or burning sensation while urination. That is due to some infection. So one has to report to her doctor immediately if he has these signs. So what are the causes of this White discharge which is painless at this stage that is 37 week. One it could be leucorrhea, that is thick White discharge because of increased blood supply to the cervix and mixed with vaginal cells and normal bacteria. White discharge could be because of candidiasis which is because of yeast or fungus, which can give rise to yellowish or greenish discharge which could be irritating and lot of itching is there over the vulva and the vagina, so the patient has to immediately retort to the and get appropriately treated, It could be because of chlamydia, which is a sexually transmitted infection and it gives rise to foul smelling thick discharge and she has to report to her doctor immediately as this can result in preterm labour and its consequences immediately. The last one is bacterial vaginosis, which is once again due to imbalance of the vaginal flora and it can give rise to the yellowish discharge and it is very dangerous to the patient. It can also give rise to the preterm labour and its consequences. It also gives rise to burning or stinging sensation while passing urine. All these abnormal discharges should be reported to the doctor immediately and be treated appropriately because these can give rise to preterm labour which could disastrous to the baby. So how should it be appropriately treated has been outlined. So how it should be treated has been outlined. So another thing at 37 weeks is she could be passing liqor also. She could be passing thin white discharge which could be liqor and that could be liqor and that could be mixed with blood. So blood tinged white discharge should be infirmed to the obstetrician so that she can confirm or rule out preterm labour.