What does faint line on home pregnancy test signify? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes
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What does faint line on home pregnancy test signify? – Dr. Sangeeta Gomes

Pregnancy test if ensiform the detection of human chorionic gonadotrophin the maternal urine or blood, regluckits works by the detection of antigen antibody either polyclonal of monoclonal, standard kids detector sensitivity UPTU 3-50 International University CG parambil there is no can be read in 2 to 5 minutes itcan be done on the first day of missed period that is 28 day of cycle are 12 to 14 days after conception. Colour bands offer on T and C lines which means positive during pregnancy test, ladies come to us and ask Doctor we got faint line on the Urine Pregnancy Test kit so I am I pregnant she gets frustrated, faint line can be considered as positive if the test is done correctly that is 12 to 14 days after conception or on the first day of missed period, do with the morning urine sample the morning urine sample has high concentrations of human chorionic gonadotrophin. Sometimes dilute urine in the daytime can give faint line if it is done after drinking lots of water, read the result within 2 to 5 minutes sometime ladies read it after 10 minutes or 15 minutes and faint line may appear and this can be false positive, this can be due to the evaporation lines which appear when the urine on the test area begins to dry leaving the faint colourless line. Chemical pregnancy is a condition where you can see faint line in the Urine Pregnancy Test kit where the fertilization has occurred but implantation is not occurred. That is early miscarriage, also if you are in HCG injections which can also give a false positive line, if faint line come then what you must do the Urine Pregnancy Test next day for after 2 days with another kit of another brand. You can also to the serum beta HCG detecting HCG in the maternal serum is done by the Elisa test which has a sensitivity of a 1 -2 milli international units Parimal, it can be done as early is 5 days before missed period. Ideally in a healthy pregnancy the serum beta HCG doubles up every 48 hours, when the value reaches between 1500-2000 transvaginal sonography shows the gestational sac and yolk sac invisit abortion and brighter ovum chemical pregnancy. The rise in beta HCG is very slow and sometimes after arise you may see a fall in the value suggesting it’s a unhealthy pregnancy, kindly consult a doctor for for the management.