What happens if I have PCOS and I get pregnant? – Dr. Bala R
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What happens if I have PCOS and I get pregnant? – Dr. Bala R

If you have PCOS, Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a very very common syndrome. It has become like 1 out of 5 women nowadays. They suffer with Polycystic ovarian syndrome. So if you do get pregnant with that the problem is you will have some hormonal imbalance and that will lead to first trimester miscarriage which is the miscarriage that happening under 12 weeks of pregnancy. So what we do is to give some progesterone hormonal support in the form of tablets or in the form of injections or vaginal pessaries and secondly there will be situations which is insulin resistance where you will be at very high risk of developing Polycystic ovarian syndrome. All the more pregnancy hormones are very sugargenic. So if any women is pregnant particularly of Indian origin or Asian origin then is very high risk of developing diabetes in pregnancy and particularly if you are Polycystic ovarian syndrome, the you are at more high risk. So we would be screening for diabetes in pregnancy in your case. Most of the Polycystic ovarian syndrome patients are on the overweight or on the obese sign. So I would strongly recommend a balanced diet and also regular exercises because in pregnancy you tend to put on more weight and that leads to difficulty in monitoring the baby and difficulty in you carrying on with the pregnancy like you can suffer from backache or other discomforts, pubic pains other things. So I would recommend you a well balanced diet and 30 minutes of walking on a daily basis and frequent monitoring for sugar tests as per your obstetricians advice.