What to Do When a Girl Looks at You? Spoiler: Don’t Run Away
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What to Do When a Girl Looks at You? Spoiler: Don’t Run Away

Do you get shy when a girl throws just one glance at you? Well, happens to the best of us even if we are confident. But it’s easier to win at any game when you know the rules, right? The same goes for flirting. So to up your dating game and never lose your cool again when a girl looks your way, pay close attention to the tips we’re about to share with you!

Assess the situation 2:22
Look back at her 3:14
Establish longer eye contact 4:38
Approach her 6:26

Music: https://www.youtube.com/audiolibrary/music

– Some good signs that she’s showing interest in you are when she shifts her gaze from you to some object and then back at you, when she maintains eye contact for longer than a second, and, obviously, when she smiles while looking at you.
– It’s high time you looked back at her. Seriously, don’t hesitate and do it quickly or else she might think you’re not interested. Let her know you’ve noticed her glance and you wouldn’t mind getting to know her.
– Once you’ve caught her glance, again, keep looking at each other as if you’re having a silent conversation. The most important thing is that you send her the right message: you’re a strong confident adult who knows exactly what he wants.
– Get up, don’t slouch, keep your back straight and your head up, and approach the girl. Now that you’re standing next to her, it’s time to say something. Think over your opening lines, don’t mumble, and by all means don’t say something stupid or cliché.

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