What would happen if we didn’t have pinkie fingers?
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What would happen if we didn’t have pinkie fingers?

How do you view your pinkie, that’s the little fifth finger?
Do you see it as some decorative accessory that has little to no use? If so, think again!

What you should know is that your humble fifth finger is as important as the other ones — it’s not just something to extend daintily from the wine glass!

So what’s the point? Well, you’ll want to change your perspective on the humble fifth finger — your hand will never be the same without one.

According to hand therapists, losing your little finger will cause you to lose up to 50% of your hand strength.
Now, when you compare the pinky with other fingers, you’ll find that it doesn’t bear much of a burden.

For instance, the index finger or pointer is super handy when it comes to poking and flicking.

What’s more, the pinky can never take the place of the ring finger — you can’t possibly wear a wedding ring on the pinky right?
And while the pinky can be used to make hand gestures, it cannot communicate defiance like the middle finger — pretty sure you get the point!

So what really happens when you injure your pinkie?
Well, the best answer to this question should come from a professional, and no one explains it better than Laurie Rogers, a certified hand therapist at National Rehabilitation Hospital in Washington.

According to her, injury to the pinkie can cause you to lose up to 50% of your hand strength.
She also says that while the index and middle finger function with the thumb in pinching and grabbing as well as buttoning buttons and zipping zippers, the pinkie works with the ring finger to provide hand power.

That being said, the little fifth finger plays a huge role in providing hand strength for most, if not all of our daily activities.
Pinkie Injury
It’s important to note that bones of the little finger (distal, middle and proximal phalanges) are usually broken by sudden falls or when they get struck by something hard.
Now, when such accident happens, most people may fail to realize that the finger is broken and eventually ignore the need for treatment.

But here’s the thing; it’s always in your best interest to seek medical help regardless of whether you’re in pain or not.
Trust me; you wouldn’t want to be in a situation where you won’t be able to make a fist or handle a vacuum cleaner — yes, it could be as bad as that.

So, if you ever have a pinky injury, don’t hesitate to see a doctor, get treated and begin finger therapy.
The process is not going to be rosy, but it’s totally worth it — your humble fifth finger deserves that much care and respect!

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