Why toddlers refuse food? – Dr. Shaheena Athif
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Why toddlers refuse food? – Dr. Shaheena Athif

During the first 1 tear of life the growth of the babies is high therefore the requirement of food is also high. After one year the growth becomes stagnant and requirement of food is also less hence the apatite also decreases. Apatite varies from time to time this is all a part of growth, some of the kids have vaccinal vanes means some times they eat well and other times doesn’t eat, sometimes breakfast is taken properly and skin the lunch we collaborate all these to the birth growth spurts. Usually during the growth spurts baby requires more food and during the teething time or after the illness baby does not require more food this is an temporary effect and improves with the time. Another thing is toddlers are interested in exploring the surroundings, play activities so they are very much against the food or do not want to spend their time eating the food. Some of the older kids usually do fussy things during eating an attention seeking habit. In spite of all this there are some medical causes for refusal of food like the worm infestation which we usually see after 2 years of age so the baby needs to be De-wormed. If there is an constipation in some of the kids or acidity due to excess junk food hence proper meals are not taken on time. As long as the baby grows well in the sense that need not put on the weight but the height increases and there is illness requiring hospitalization or medication there is no worry if the toddler is not taking much food.