Why You Should Rub a Tomato on Your Face (Tomato Benefits for Skin)
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Why You Should Rub a Tomato on Your Face (Tomato Benefits for Skin)

In this video, we are going to show you how tomatoes can be used to effectively treat and reduce acne, pimples and blackheads.

If you suffer from acne, tomatoes can help you a lot. They’re astringent, they reduce oiliness, they tone and they balance pH levels in order to make your skin softer.

To treat your acne using tomatoes, try making a face mask with tomato pulp (blend or squish one peeled tomato) and apply it to your face at night. You can add cucumber puree to this mask if you wish, since it helps close pores.

Another optional ingredient is olive oil, to hydrate your skin. Leave it on for 1 hour then rinse it off with cold water.

You can also place peeled, seedless tomato slices directly on your face, massaging the area softly for about 10 minutes.

If black heads are your biggest problem, there’s another helpful ingredient in your kitchen: salt.

Here’s how to make it:


1 tomato,
2 tablespoons of salt.


Take a thick slice of tomato and pour a little salt on it. Next, for three minutes, rub the tomato slice on your nose and the other areas of your face that are prone to blackheads. Then, take that same slice and pour more salt on it and repeat the process for 2 minutes.

It is recommended that you perform this procedure once a week.

Repeat it every two weeks in order to keep new blackheads from forming.


For more information and references, check the article on our blog:

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